Other Professionals-Master Directory

Lisheyna Hurvitz, M.A. Ed.


Lisheyna Hurvitz, M.A. Ed.

Address: Boca Raton, FL 33433

Phone: (561) 922-7044

Email: lisheyna@aol.com

Website: https://www.lisheyna.com/

About Lisheyna:

As a licensed psychotherapist, Lisheyna has created a Lifestyle format that is extremely effective in helping people grow and change. As a Lifestyle Consultant, she utilizes a unique blend of emotional, psychological and spiritual approaches which enable her to produce practical results.

In her consultations and groups, she helps people address personal and societal pressures, including the pressure to be perfect. As a gifted empath, she is able to empathize with her client’s feelings, quickly getting to the heart of the matter, thereby producing rapid results.

She is especially effective in working with divorcing couples to move through their conflicts with one another. Lisheyna also helps these partners become better parents and teaches them new and effective communication skills. As a coach, she empowers parents to parallel parent if they are unable to co-parent. Everyone in the new separate parental homes learns how to agree to disagree. This provides a newfound freedom for all.